Kürzlich wurde der Terminal 3 des Tokio Narita Airport eingeweiht. Der Bau ist ein relativ radikales Umdenken in Punkto Effektivität der Architektur und dennoch ganz und gar nicht unästhetisch.
Luxus kann hier nicht erwartet werden, denn in Terminal 3 werden ausschließlich Billig-Flieger abgefertigt.
Die Möbel kommen übrigens vom besseren japanischen Ikea, Muji nämlich.
Narita International Airport Terminal 3 is exclusively for LCC (low-cost carriers). Precisely so, we focused on creating a completely „low-cost airport“ with the architecture and design.
The budget for constructing this terminal was approximately half of the usual amount. Due to costs, we could not to install the typical moving walkways or illuminated signs.
Instead, to offer an exciting walking experience that is easy on the feet, we implemented running tracks used for track and field, and added signage for user-friendly guidance. The key to the architecture and design is „more than 2 into 1.“
Consolidating two or more functionalities into one in pursuit of economic reasonability.
In short, treasuring designs „with a twist without spending a lot of money.“ It would be our great honor if Narita International Airport Terminal 3 is frequently used and forever loved by economically savvy travelers.
Danke Andi
Via Klonblog