
Dieser wunderschöne Porsche 912 in Irish Green ist aus dem Jahr 1966. Der aktuelle Besitzer Stephen Jones hat den Wagen 1973 für 2500$ vom Erstbesitzer gekauft und ihn seitdem täglich gefahren. In dem milden Klima Kaliforniens kein Problem.

Ein sehr schönes Portrait, das bei akutes Fernweh auslöst und Sehnsucht nach kurvigen Landstrassen bei 25°.

porsche 912 portrait

Automobiles, particularly those of the vintage and classic variety, are far more than four-wheeled conveyances for simply getting us around. Hang out around them long enough, and the right car can morph into something approaching a friend and companion that we share adventures and the ups and downs of life with. They can mirror our human interactions, sometimes passing in and out of our lives for a brief period, never to be seen again. And other times they become something undeniably intrinsic and important to our lives. Car enthusiasts use the word “soul” pretty often to describe a car that resonates with them. It may seem a stretch for someone who is not into cars, but it’s an undeniable sentiment for folks that are passionate about automobiles.

Stephen Jones has had his 1966 912 since 1973, and it’s safe to say that he and the Porsche have become an inseparable duo over the years. Over the decades that he was alternately either flying in the military or working as a airline pilot, his 912 has remained a constant, which was certainly no accident.

porsche 912 portrait