
Wow, welch ein großartiges Cover! Jamie Cullum hat sich Lauryn Hills Ex Factor, ohnehin ein wahnsinnig guter Song, vorgeknöpft und mitsamt Band gecovert. In der Mitte macht er dann den Switch zu Drakes erster Strophe aus Nice for What. Großes Kino.

Die beiden originalen Versionen habe ich weiter unten noch mal eingefügt. Einfach so, weil sie so gut sind.

Learnt, performed and recorded in (slightly more) than an hour. Notes: We love doing these covers, so we’re gonna keep doing them. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is a watershed album for me and I’ve messed around with the song Ex Factor for years. I’ve sung it with Shola Ama and Eliza (formerly Doolittle) and badly at jam sessions. I love Drake (obviously) and this ‘Nice for What’ track which uses snippets of Lauren’s classic. I thought I would challenge myself to have a crack at a mashup of the two. It was fucking HARD as I don’t rap and probably shouldn’t ever try again after this! Myself, Loz and Brad had the pleasure of sharing the studio with the two gorgeous voices of Aisha and Bim who bring acres of goodness to this. I think we got a cool version! Hope you love it, as ever, please share, share, share. New, original music coming soon….. Love, Jx

Lauryn Hill – Ex-Factor


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Drake – Nice For What


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