
Filmemacher Paul Bush war im Luzerner Naturmuseum, um die riesige Insektenausstellung von Walter Linsenmaier zu begutachten. Aus seinen Aufnahmen hat er einen tierisch (höhö ^^) guten Film geschnitten. Zu sehen sind über 3000 Insekten, jeweils nur einen Frame lang. Das Sounddesign zu While Darwin Sleeps … ist subtil, passt extrem gut und unterstützt die Turbulenz. Die animierten Bewegungen der Insekten sind zum Teil richtig creepy. Bush selber sagt, es wäre wie eine von Darwin geträumte Vision. Auf Meskalin.

More than three thousand insects appear in this film each for a single frame. As the colours glow and change across their bodies and wings it seems that the genetic programme of millions of years is taking place in a few minutes. It is a rampant creation that seems to defy the explanations of evolutionists and fundamentalists. It is like a mescaline vision dreamt by Charles Darwin. 2004

Darwin Insekten Animation

The film is inspired by the insect collection of Walter Linsenmaier in the natural history museum of Luzern. As each insect follows the other, frame by frame, they appear to unfurl their antennae, scuttle along, flap their wings as if trying to escape the pinions which attach them forever in their display cases. Just for a moment the eye is tricked into believing that these dead creatures still live . . .