
James Gunn hat eine absurde Indie-Superhelden Satire names „Super“ gedreht, in der Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler und Kevin Bacon die Hauptrollen spielen. Nach „Defendor“ und „Kick Ass“ also ein weiterer augenzwinkernder Kommentar auf das Superhelden Genre. Der Film lief letztes Jahr schon auf einigen Festivals und kommt im April in die amerikanischen Lichtspielhäuser. Für Deutschland gibt es laut IMDB noch keinen Termin.

Hier die Synopsis:

When sad sack Frank D’Arbo (Rainn Wilson) sees his ex-addict wife (Liv Tyler) willingly snatched by a seductive drug dealer (Kevin Bacon), he finds himself unable to cope. But when the finger of God blesses his brain (don’t ask), D’Arbo decides to fight back under the guise of a DIY superhero called Crimson Bolt. In order to get his wife back, he must first fight his way up the criminal ranks, and he begins by taking a monkey wrench to the foreheads of a couple who cut in line at the movies. As Crimson Bolt begins to make the headlines, a young woman from the local comic book store (Ellen Page) joins in on the fun as his sexually charged sidekick, Boltie.
