Dieser Film sieht stellenweise beinah zu schön aus, um echt zu sein. Rechtzeitig zum Sonnenaufgang starten diverse Heissluftballons über der historischen Königsstadt Bagan in Myanmar. Unzählige Tempel sind aus der Luft zu bewundern. Am besten in 4K und Vollbild genießen. Die Musik kann man getrost weglassen.
The sunrise view from hot air balloon of thousands of temples spread in the Bagan valley is one of the most impressive views to enjoy.
Bagan was the capital of the first Myanmar (Burma) kingdom from the 9th to 13th centuries. It has the largest concentration of Buddhist temples and ruins in the world. At its highest point, the area had more than 10 thousand temples, of which less than 3 thousand remain today.Recorded February 2015 in 4K (Ultra HD) with Sony AX100.