Viel braucht es nicht für 5 Minuten Urlaubs-Gefühl am heimischen Schreibtisch.
Außer der großartigen Natur an der kalifornischen Küste mit dem Namen Big Sur, dem guten Auge von Andrew Julian und vielleicht noch die Black Magic Cinema um auch wirklich jede Orange- und Rot-Nuance des Sonnenuntergangs zu catchen.
Das war’s dann schon. Ich lehne mich jetzt zurück und schaue mir den Clip nochmal an, ich glaube ich bin schon etwas braun geworden.
Nach dem Klick gibt’s einen ähnlichen Film aus Mexiko.
-> Have you ever wanted to visit Big Sur? Yes or no, take my advice and GO! Call in sick or do whatever you need to do and go; you will not be sorry. I have been dreaming of exploring Big Sur for years now and finally did it! My wife and I packed our car and drove with no plans other than to end up in Big Sur. Driving along the Pacific Coast Highway is an incredible experience and being able to really take our time and explore was easily the best start to a new year I’ve ever had.
Trying to bring the Spirit of California’s central coast into this film has been difficult. I’ve tried my best, but pictures just can’t do it justice. No camera can perfectly capture the raw power and beauty of the Pacific Ocean or the feeling of standing near the ledge of a high cliff while the sun sets.
I used my Blackmagic Cinema Camera for this film and the color and latitude that shooting in raw provides still amazes me. The flexibility that uncompressed raw gives you in post production makes the 1 Terabyte per 2 hours of footage data rate worth it. I also can’t wait to use the new firmware that’s been announced! Many more great options to expand the capabilities and improve the workflow. It definitely would have made this shoot a bit easier.
P.S. If you can, watch this film with good speakers and turn it up! Be careful though, it gets much louder towards the end.
Via Netzsieb