
Der Bären Schlafsack von Künstler und Designer Eiko Ishizawa ist das einzige Kleidungsstück, das ich für die nächsten 4 Monate brauche. Der typische Bärengeruch kommt zum Ende der kalten Saison von ganz allein, möglicherweise locke ich sogar ein Weibchen an. Wer weiß. Allerdings müsste ich vorher gut 2400$ investieren in die Rarität investieren. Das wird nicht passieren, was mich auch weiterhin nicht daran hindern wird, mich an den Bäumen der Umgebung zu schubbern. Jap.

This work is inspired by the news in Bavaria, 2006- the news was about a bear, which escaped from the Italian side of the Alps to the Bavarian side. He was called a problem bear, as he was the first wild bear since 170 years. He evoked huge discussion among people and government whether they should kill or leave him alive. In the end, he was hunted down. I was interested in this tragic story of the bear, as well as the starting point of this tragedy; this bear was generating many different ideas and emotions in people as illusions in reality by just crossing the borderline between countries.