
Auf der Bühne des TED Talk Sydney baut Linsey Pollak in nur 5 Minuten eine funktionierende Klarinette aus einer gewöhnlichen Karotte. Für seine "Carrot Clarinet" benutzt einen Akku Schrauber mit einem langen Bohrer um die Karotte (bei uns zuhause hiess das früher immer Wurzel) auszuhölen und setzt anschließend die Löcher für die Finger. Fehlt nur noch das Mundstück und ein kleiner Trichter. Wie geil ist das bitte?! Wer sich dafür interessiert, bekommt die komplette Anleitung in einem zweiten Video nach dem Klick. Linsey Pollak is an Australian musician, instrument maker, composer, musical director and community music facilitator. He has recorded 31 albums, toured his solo shows extensively in Europe, Nth America and Asia as well as performing at most major festivals around Australia. Linsey has devised many large Festival pieces such as "BimBamBoo" and "Sound Forest", as well as collaborating on many music and theatre projects around Australia. He established The Multicultural Arts Centre of WA, and has co-ordinated five Cross-cultural Music Ensembles in three different States. Linsey has also worked as a musical instrument maker for 40 years and has designed a number of new wind instruments as well as specialising in woodwind instruments from Eastern Europe. http://youtu.be/BISrGwN-yH4