Bis vor kurzem hatte ich DJ Cassidy nicht auf dem Zettel. Er scheint in den Staaten aber eine durchaus bekannte Person zu sein, zumindest ist er exzellent vernetzt. In seinen Corona bedingten Zoom Konferenzen namens Pass the Mic hat er unglaublich viele illustre Gäste.
In Episode eins sammelt er diverse Funk, Soul und Disko Größen wie Mitglieder von Earth, Wind & Fire, Kool & The Gang, Patrice Rushen, Ray Parker Jr. und und und. Klassiker nach Klassiker.
Pass the Mic Volume 2 widmet er der Rap Musik. Mit dabei Kings und Queens wie Run-DMC, Chuck D (Public Enemy), LL Cool J, Doug E. Fresh, Rakim, Salt N‘ Pepa und 30 weitere für ein 40 Minuten langes Set. Wow!
Gute Laune in einem sehr beeindruckenden Medley verpackt. Danke Internet!
For many years, I celebrated my birthday by uniting a multitude of friends and surprising them with iconic performances by legendary artists. This year, I wanted to find a way to revisit that tradition in light of the times. One evening, during the heat of the quarantine, I FaceTimed with my dear friend and mentor, Verdine White of Earth Wind & Fire. While we were catching up, his classic record, “That’s The Way Of The World,” came on my speakers. Hearing that song, while on the phone with Verdine, put a smile on my face and brought me some much needed calm. I thought about how fortunate I was to have friendships with many of my heroes and how lucky I was to be able to enjoy their music in their company. I wondered if I could find a way to share that special feeling with others, in effort to honor and uplift the heroes around the world on the frontlines of health, freedom, and justice. I sat at my turntables in my living room and began Zooming with my musical heroes of 1970s and 1980s, literally passing the mic from one home to the next. The result is PASS THE MIC. I hope this virtual mix moves others as much as it has moved me. I am forever grateful to my musical heroes for their decades of hope, inspiration, and soul, and with them, I celebrate all the heroes around the world.