Klangkünstler und Bastler Koka Nikoladze entwickelt mechanische Soundgeneratoren und Beat Machines. Ich wurde gerade von einem Freund auf die aktuellste Arbeit Beat Machine No.5 hingewiesen. Sein Portfolio ist ebenso umfangreich wie faszinierend.
Am besten Ihr seht es euch einfach an. Mit Kopfhörern macht es noch einen Hauch mehr Spaß. Die Propangas Flamme ist der Hammer.
Dear friends, Beat Machine No. 5.
I always wanted to build something using fire. Here is my first attempt. The small prototype works. Releasing tiny bursts of butane gas on an open fire source sounds pretty much like a kick. By adjusting the distance and the pressure, it can get very close to 808. This is just a tiny model. I’m going to build a BIG Koka’s Fire Kick unit for live shows.
The rest is quite simple, I used a brass tube as a hat and some springs extracted from empty lighters, in a wooden box — as a snare; oh yes, and a DC motor that I managed to bring back to life by rewinding coils. I’m dancing closer to the idea of setting up my first proper dance music production. Not necessarily the type of music from Beat Machine demonstration videos, much more complex and sophisti.. .. well, never mind. We’ll see what happens. I’ve already discussed this with an army of hyper-incredible artists willing to collaborate.
Koka’s Beat Machine No. 4
Koka’s Beat Machine No. 3
Danke Jonny