Seit 1978 ist Tony Pike Besitzer eines alten Landhauses auf Ibiza, dass er in den 80ern zum absoluten Hotspot für Celebrity machte. Ausschweifende Exzesse gehörten in Pikes Hotel dazu und auch sehr viel Kokain. In diesem kurzen Portrait erzählt der Playboy aus den wirklich wilden Zeiten mit Freddie Mercury, Liam Gallagher und Grace Jones. Auch George Michael war Stammgast und hat dort das Club Tropicana Video gedreht. Boy George hat angeblich mal gesagt, Pike wäre der wahre Hugh Hefner.
Schon der 4 Minuten Clip enthält einige wirklich großartige Geschichten, die sicher auch in seiner Biografie zu finden sind. Ich habe etwas gesucht, das Buch als Paperback bisher nur bei Amazon Uk finden können. Alternativ gibt es die Kindle Ausgabe Mr Pikes: The Story Behind The Ibiza Legend, ich suche aber lieber noch etwas weiter.
His hotel ‚Pikes“ has been a debaucherous hotspot for celebrities spanning decades, boasting such guests as George Michael, Freddie Mercury, Liam Gallagher and Grace Jones.
Later that evening, the day before the Club Tropicana shoot, the crew were sitting around drinking and George and I started talking again. He was such a good-looking c**t. I said to him that he must pull so many women. He told me he was gay. “What a f**king waste!” I exclaimed. George roared with laughter. He’d probably heard that one a few times before, although his sexuality was a closely-guarded secret at that stage of his career.
Grace Jones was one tough cookie, but also could be wonderful and entertaining and warm. I was with her for 15 months. We’d walk in somewhere and the whole place would stop, and just stare at her. She had such an incredible allure.
‚Mr Pikes: The Story Behind The Ibiza Legend — Tony Pike with Matt Trollope’ is published by MT Ink.