
Diese Szene mit dem kanadischen Polizisten stammt aus der Vice Doku Smoke Show. Die dreiteilige Serie finde ich persönlich ganz spannend und unterhaltsam, ähnlich wie auch die Atlanta Doku Welcome to the Trap.

Der kanadische Polizist ist überaus entspannt, reicht eine Beschwerde weiter und interessiert sich prinzipiell mehr für’s Auto als dafür ein Ticket zu verteilen. Und darf dann sogar eine Runde um den Block drehen.


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Underground Street Racers (Smoke Show: EP1)

In the first episode of Smoke Show, VICE follows a group of organized street racers in the suburbs of Toronto. Instead of racing on closed tracks like most in the local car community, these underground racers spark controversy by choosing to race illegally in the maze of industrial roads around…

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Ghostrider and Lamborghini Justice (Smoke Show: EP2)

In episode two of Smoke Show, VICE gets up and close and personal with Ghostrider, a mysterious legend in the local car scene who owns 27 cars and is a member of the exclusive North Face Rally luxury car club. Host Femi Lawson cruises with Ghostrider in his infamous white Lamborghini on an urban rally.

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Money Gang Drifting Crew (Smoke Show: EP3)

In episode three of Smoke Show, VICE explores the drifting community at a race track that looks like a scene out of Mad Max. Host Femi Lawson hangs out with the Money Gang drifting crew and learns why drifting is the fastest growing motorsport in the world.

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Danke Shaf