Mit dem „A Walker in New York City“ dokumentieren Street Artist JR und die New York Times die Integration von Menschen in New York. Der 20-jährige Elmar aus Aserbaidschan lebt seit einem Jahr relativ unbemerkt in der Stadt. Ebenso wie das 45 Meter hohe Bild von ihm, direkt vor dem Flat Iron Building. Nur aus der Vogel-Perspektive ist das Motiv zu erkennen, von unten ist es eher unauffällig.
Das Bild ziert nun das Cover der aktuellen Ausgabe, das Making of dazu findet Ihr weiter unten.
Edit: Der Beitrag ist schon älter, bei mir allerdings im Archiv unter gegangen und gerade wieder aufgetaucht.
A behind-the-scenes look at how the French artist JR created a large-scale pasting in the triangle below the Flatiron Building for the Walking New York issue of The New York Times Magazine.
Last month the New York Times Magazine reached out to JR to think about a project together. He told them he had been working for a year on Immigration and would love to continue what he started on Ellis Island in the city. So, they looked for people who arrived in NYC less than a year ago. They chose 15 coming from all over the world. JR photographed them walking in the city all of them completely unknown living in the shadows of the city and learning English slowly. In a few hours during the night, we pasted Elmar, 20 years old who came from Azerbaijan, on the floor of Flat Iron Plaza in New York City. The image was 150 feet high. People walked on him all day and no one really noticed him. Today he is on the cover of the NYtimes magazine that comes out this Sunday on paper while everyone else is in the shadow. Thank you to Kathy Ryan, Jake Silverstein, Christine Walsh and all the team at NYT Magazine and our incredible crew of volunteers who came to help and make this possible! (JR’s Website)
Via Urbanshit