
Dieser Clip ist eine großartige Kombination aus Malerei, Tanz und Film. Künstlerin Alexa Meade zeichnet verantwortlich für die Visualisierung. Die Roller der Tänzer Jon Boogz und Lil Buck ist offensichtlich.

„Color of Reality ist Wahnsinnig gut, einfach super.

Transfixed by racial, political, and socioeconomic tensions saturating the news, movement artists Jon Boogz and Lil Buck, enveloped by the art of Alexa Meade, switch off the TV and release their emotion into a stirring dance that is both a lament and a spirited call to action.

Movement artists Jon Boogz and Lil Buck, who use dance to move people and improve the world, find alchemy with Meade’s perspective-changing art. The result is a powerful, mesmerizing reflection, a moving 2D art representation, of the state of today’s society.


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