Am 08. August starb Sean Price, ihr dürftet es mitbekommen haben. Er arbeitete zu der Zeit an seinem „Songs In The Key Of Price“ Mixtape. 8 Tunes waren bereits fertig gestellt, die nun von Duck Down Records veröffentlicht wurden.
Den Stream haben wir für euch in Petto, natürlich ist das Mixtape ebenfalls bei den üblichen Verdächtigen des mp3 Business zu haben.
Sehr hörenswert ist übrigens auch der Tribute Mix von Skor72.
Throughout Sean’s career he would create his own spin-off, or character, based on someone he respected, maybe a pop culture icon, or maybe someone he had some sort of love for. For example, we all know and love Mic Tyson, Kimbro Price, and who could forget Jesus Price Supastar.
‚Songs In The Key Of Price‘ was no different. For this mixtape cover he opted to create a playful spin on Stevie Wonder’s ‚Songs In The Key Of Life‘ album. You’ll be able to find the original art floating around online, and some of you lucky fans will now have a special collector’s item to enjoy. Unfortunately, we were politely asked by Universal Music to remove the art at the digital outlets, as well as change the CD art for future production. We agreed, of course. They were very respectful of the situation and delivered their condolences in Sean’s passing. Who knew that Stevie Wonder would be touring ‚Songs In The Key Of Life‘ this fall? Sean would have laughed about this.
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Via Whudat