Der indische Designer Jyo John Mulloor ist Motorrad Fan, hat aber nie seinen persönlichen, für ihn perfekten Helm gefunden. Also entwarf er kurzerhand selbst einen Helm, der vor allem bequem zu tragen ist, trotzdem aber schützt. Der „Human Helmet“ ist aber nicht unbedingt dezent und auf den Strassen eine absolute Ausnahme-Erscheinung.
Die Glatzen-Helme sind definitiv ein Hingucker und es dürfte ziemlich lustig aussehen, wenn vor dir ein großer nackter Hinterkopf auf der Maschine sitzt und unterm Helm schauen lange Haare raus.
I hail from the southern Indian state of Kerala and currently reside in Dubai. All my life I have always been a passionate motorcyclist. I love everything about motorbiking but the helmets. The most uncomfortable gear you could ever wear.
But a helmet had its pros, so you could never ignore it. Imagine a protective gear that’s so comfortable that you feel you never wore one. Project: HumanHelmet is an outcome of my extreme dislike to wearing a thick, clunky piece of metal that’s simply not as comfortable as wearing a bandanna, cap or nothing at all.Although the reason behind the design was totally personal, it later turned into a design project that received appreciations from around the globe. Some manufactures have already shown interest in launching a line of helmets under this design umbrella. I hope to see these designs moving across the streets soon.