Die beiden Extrem-Kletterer Vadim Makhorov und Vitaliy Raskalov sind nach Shanghai gereist um dort das zweithöchste Gebäuder Welt, den Shanghai Tower mit 650 Metern zu erklettern. Ob die wahnsinnig hohen Kräne dabei schon mitgezählt sind, weiß ich nicht.
Höchstes Gebäude ist übrigens der TV Tower in Tokyo mit nur 2 Metern mehr.
Die Perspektive auf die geradezu winzig wirkenden anderen Hochhäuser ist unglaublich. Für die 120 Stockwerke haben die beiden 2 Stunden gebraucht.
Auf seiner Seite zeigt Vadim einige wirklich sehr sehenswerte Bilder.
Hello all from the world’s biggest city – Shanghai. For about a month Raskalov Vitaliy and I are in China. I already have quite a bit stories to tell about where we have been and what we have seen, but you will read about it in my next post.
I dreamed to visit Shanghai for a while. One of the main sights for us was Shanghai tower, a huge skyscraper in the city center, which currently is under construction. The height of it will be 632 meters. When the construction will be completed, the tower will become the highest building in China and world’s second high building after Burj Khalifa (if not to mention TV tower in Tokyo, which is only 2 meters higher).
Ten days ago, during the celebration of Chinese New Year, the entire country was resting – all the people had vacations, so as the builders. Everybody was squibbing in their neighborhoods and enjoying the holidays. For us, it was perfect time to climb the tower and a crane jib above it (the highest point is about 650 meters). To see how it was, watch the video:
Via Testspiel