
Die Damen und Herren des CRW Teams haben zum ersten mal weltweit zu zwölft diese Gruppen-Choreografie durchgeführt. Es sieht schon sehr abgefahren aus, muss ich sagen.

Etwas Erfahrung sollte man anscheinend mitbringen, denn die Mitglieder des Teams bringen gemeinsam über 100.000 Sprünge auf die Waage. Pow.

Gruppen Figuren-Fallschirmspringen 3

Gruppen Figuren-Fallschirmspringen 2

-> The CRW dawgs, led by Clean Air team members Chris Gay and Brian Pangburn (along with the help of Mike Lewis and the vision of Kirk Vanzandt), were able to accomplish something no one has ever done before. After building a 12-way formation and punching out the center of it, PDFT’s Ian Bobo flew his Peregrine through the formation. Behind this CRW formation is over 100 years of experience and over 100,000 skydives. Ian Bobo has over 17,000 jumps alone and 24 years in the sport. After achieving this jump, they kept pushing the limits and flew through a number of times, with other PD Factory Team members Jessica Edgeington, Ian Drennan and Gage Galle flying through on the last day of the event.

Gruppen Figuren-Fallschirmspringen


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