
Gitarren-Solo und Riff-Medleys finden sich im Netz zu Hauf. Dieses ist eines der Besseren, 28 Soli der Rock’n Roll Geschichte in sechs Minuten, grob chronologisch runtergebrettert. Von Chuck Berry, zu Brian May, Carlos Santana, Slash, Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine) und Jack White.

Das wahre Highlight des Clips ist aber der „Fact Man“ auf dessen Schild die wissenswerten Infos zur Evolution des Solos projeziert werden.

Rock & Roll - Die Evolution des Gitarrensolo

-> In this video, we focus on the electric guitar solo in it’s MAINSTREAM form. The electric guitar was and IS still doing wild stuff across unprecedented amounts of sub-genres. The acoustic guitar has also been doing amazing things for hundreds of years…but…this video focuses on what happened to Electric Guitar in mainstream western music…

Mark Sidney Johnson leads us through the journey of the Electric Guitar Solo. With 28 songs spanning over 50 years, this medley takes a look at the ever evolving roll of the guitar solo in western pop music.


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