
Heute morgen kam dieser Tipp per Mail, mittlerweile habe ich das Album zwei mal durchgehört und kann sagen, es gefällt mir äußerst gut. Nicht nur, weil es so wunderbar nebenbei läuft, es wirkt auf wunderbare Weise entspannend.

Sebastian Zangar sagt, es wäre ein Album das sich am besten morgen oder Abends hören lässt. Ich finde es funktioniert auch zwischendurch.

Entspannte Piano Töne mischen sich mit Klicker-Klacker Beat-Elementen. Am manchen Stellen würde ich mir richtige Drums oder auch mal eine Bassline wünschen, aber vielleicht gibt’s ja noch Remixes?

„Songs 4 Sector 4“ erscheint am 12, Juni und kann hier oder auch hier vorbestellt werden.

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-> Sebastian Zangar is a Romanian composer now resides in Germany. “Song 4 Sector 4” is his first album under his real name and was produced during 2009 to 2012 at his home studio in Berlin and Fagerholm, Sweden.

The title “Song 4 Sector 4” was derived from his multi-cultural background: In 2012 Sebastian traveled to Bucharest to meet his family and introduced his new born daughter to the other family members which live in an apartment in Sector 4, and the whole record is dedicated to
his family living away from his present home. In another word, this album is also about finding his roots between Romania, Germany and Sweden. Musically speaking, “Song 4 Sector 4” is also about exploring the connections between classical music and electronic music – He started taking classical piano lessons since he was 5 years old, and by the time he enters his twenties, he was very much into electronic music and starts his own projects such as Databoy78.

It was only a matter of time for him to combine his classical piano background and skills with his broad taste in electronic music from dance music to ambient, which results in this amazingly sophisticated album “Song 4 Sector 4”.

Songs 4 Sector 4 – Sebastian Zangar