Kristof Luyckx hat anlässlich des Beyonderground Design und Musik Festivals diese Animationen seiner musizierenden Monster gebastelt.
Mir gefällt Wu-Tangs „Cravel Pit“ am besten, die Scorpions (natürlich „Wind Of Change“ mit derbsten Pfeifen!) und Fleetwood Mac sind aber auch sehr cool.
Als das Method-Man-Monster das Mic gegriffen hat, habe ich beinahe meinen Kaffee über die Tastatur verteilt. Groß!
Remember what Ol Dirty said:“I’ll fuck your ass up!“
-> A series of 6 animations were originally made for the graphic festival Beyonderground.
The movies served as inbetween animations to announce the start of each lecture at the festival.
Although Beyonderground is about graphic design and illustration, it also focuses on the relation between music and graphics. This approach inspired me to make these animated musical interludes (based on the overload of unnecessary covers you find on youtube).
Danke Doe