Und nochmal Rare Grooves aus der Sowjet-Union. Nachdem ich vor ein paar Tagen bereits über den sehr coolen Mix von Mr. And-7 geschrieben hatte, kommt nun DJ Scientist aus Berlin mit seinem „Sowjet Steel“ Mix für die Ninja Tune Radio Show.
Ebenso tief gegraben und gut gemixt wie der erwähnte Sovietablizm Mix und für Liebhaber von Breaks und Rare Grooves ein Muss.
Die komplette Tracklist inklusive Ursprungs-Land gibt’s nach dem Klick.
Sehr gut!
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-> On Solid Steel, we like to go deep and as part of our celebrations in Hour 2, we welcome DJ Scientist with Solid Soviet Steel Radio (SSSR), a special guest mix that solely features music from the former Soviet Union. The dedicated record collector, DJ and Equinox record label owner from Berlin managed to unearth and put together an extensive and fascinating selection of tracks from countries like the Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldavia, Russia and more, resulting in a unique musical adventure. The mix starts with a deep and slow psych part, coming up with more funk-laden Soviet grooves and killer instrumental breaks. Many of these groups managed to create their own kind of sound, mixing western styles like Jazz, Funk and Rock with traditional music from their own countries. You can get a full run down here facebook.com/djscientist1
Pesniari _ Quail _ Belarus
Soyol Erdene _ A Broad Expanse _ Mongolia
Aquareli _ Cheerfully _ Russia
Bayan Mongol Variety Group _ A Black Horse _ Mongolia
Dielo _ Mukhambazi _ Georgia
Arnika _ Silver Ships _ Ukraine
Arnika _ Evening In Lviv _ Ukraine
Tsvety _ More Life _ Russia
Pojushie Serdza _ Knock On Any Door _ Russia
VIA 75 _ Namgalo _ Georgia
Vizerunki Shlyakhiv _ A Guelder Rose Grows By The Mill _ Ukraine
Rero Variety Orchestra with Vocal Group _ Come Outside _ Georgia
3 Plus 3 _ Travel Tale _ Ukraine
Vodogray _ Darling Girl _ Ukraine
Orizont _ Gaydutskaya Ballad _ Moldavia
Gaya _ Aman Jar _ Azerbaijan
Gaya _ Rodinka _ Azerbaijan
Gaya _ Wesenjaja Pesnia _ Azerbaijan
Leisja, Pesnja _ Rain Knocks _ Russia
Maria Kodrianu & VIA A. Mordkowicha _ Rude-Paparude _ Moldavia
VIA 75 _ Tiflis _ Georgia
Nerija _ Drebėk, Žemele _ Lithuania
Iveria _ Azimat _ Georgia
Eolika _ Jāprot _ Latvia
Kalina _ Tri Tembiti _ Ukraine
Ariel _ W Dele Liubom I Kazhdom _ Russia
Iveria _ Na Toku _ Georgia
Wernie Druzja _ Extra Ticket _ Russia
Anatoli Korolew & VIA _ Veselye Golosa _ Russia
Charovnitsi _ Rucheechek, Rucheek _ Belarus
Arnika _ Katerina _ Ukraine
Charivny Gitary _ Good Rain _ Ukraine
Kalinka _ Trailblazers _ Russia
Chervona Ruta _ Marichka _ Ukraine
Vizerunki Shlyakhiv _ Song About Shchors _ Ukraine
VIA 75 _ Arobnaja _ Georgia
Nerija _ Simple Style _ Lithuania
Samotsvety _ There In The Clouds _ Russia