Das Computer-Spiel Doom ist das erste Computer-Spiel an das ich mich bewusst erinnere. Abgesehen von Tetris und Ähnlichem. Doom war eine Art Mythos in der Grundschule und wenn man es endlich mal auf 3 oder 4 Disketten (ist nur geschätzt, ich kann mich nicht erinnern) bekommen hat, war das wie den heiligen Gral gefunden zu haben.
Ein heiliger Gral in 300×240 Pixel.
TJ Townsend hat sich die Mühe gemacht und in unzähligen Stunden Detail-Arbeit einen einzigen Screenshot des Games in 9600 x 7211 Pixel nachgebaut. 30 mal größer ist die 2013 Version also.
Das komplette Making Of gibt’s nach dem Klick zu sehen und die Datei in der hohen Auflösung gibt es hier.
-> This is a remastered screenshot from the video game Doom. The original size was 320×240 and the final product is 9600×7211. This is the highest resolution Photoshop image I’ve done to date (although I’ve done higher 3d rendering).
It is commonly agreed upon by all of humanity that Doom was the greatest game ever made. Okay, maybe not everyone. Doom was a PC game made in 1993 by id software. It was created by John Carmack, John Romero, Adrian Carmack and Tom Hall as well as many others. This is actually not a direct scene from the game but a composite. The Doom guy has only 1 rocket left and a pinky demon stands between him and freedom. If he shoots he’s dead. These were some of the best moments in the game.
As you can tell the style matches closely to the original game, but with a slightly different perspective. I used a 3D rendering program to outline how things would appear in the scene to assure the perspective remained correct throughout the creation process.
The original image is 9600×7211 pixels and stored in 7 PSD files.