Bewaffnet mit einer Harke als Pinsel macht Tony Plant einen kleinen Strand in der Nähe von Cornwall zu seiner Leinwand. Was dann passiert, dokumentiert dieser sehr hübsche Film von Light Colour Sound.
Die Musik finde ich leider über-pathetisch und furchtbar, der Rest ist aber sehr gelungen. Vor allem ist es cool Herrn Plant bei der Arbeit zusehen zu können.
-> Tony Plant is an Artist like no other. What you see here is just a small cherry on a cake to the Artwork Tony has done over the years. It was during the making of this film i realised the depth to Tonys Artistic talents as he explained to me that in one of the shots there was a pole he had painted red over 6 years ago. He saw the Pole was rotting and the texture of the dyeing grain represented the veins of life decaying away. By painting them Red the Veins stood out. It would only be the Passer by with open Eyes and mind that would see the Pole and see its future within its surroundings….The intention wasn’t to Look at the pole. But to stop, and see the beauty we are surrounded by…. Shot in the beautiful setting of Park Head, Near Bedruthen steps on the north coast of Cornwall. A winters day was spent following Tony Plant and capturing one of his amazing Beach Drawings for this music video of Ruarri Joseph’s ‚Till The Luck Runs Dry‘. To see more from Tony Plant :