Can Twos Beitrag zum „Street Fonts“ Buch ging schon vor einiger Zeit durch’s Netz, bisher habe ich aber nur einzelne Fotos gesehen. Jetzt gibt es auch Videomaterial, quasi ein Making-Of Video inklusive dem Kommentar von Can Two, zur Entstehung der großartigen Wall. Supercooles Konzept + schick umgesetzt!
Finally the lost video from Cantwo´s „Alphabet“ wall in October 2010 was found again and we are more than happy to show it to you. Here are also some words from the man himself: „In 2009 MadC asked me to contribute an alphabet for her „Street Fonts“ book project. It was clear to me that I would not want to create an alphabet in a usual sense but rather do a complete illustration. Because I was really satisfied with the result, it was itching in my fingers to transfer the illustration to a large wall. I managed to finish the whole wall within a week in October. Thanks out to Manuel from MOS for allocating the wall and to Dubiz from Australia for his helping hand at the wall.“
Via I<3G