Ausgangspunkt von „Cement Eclipse“ sind Skulpturen, die von Isaac Cordal in den urbanen Raum installiert und später als Gesamtkomposition fotografiert werden.
Hier eine kleine Auswahl von Isaac Cordals Bildern und ein Verweis auf seine Flickr-Seite. Dort beschreibt er sein Projekt wie folgt. (via Urbanshit)
„Cement eclipses is a research project of urban space that runs between the fields of sculpture and photography. The sculpture is used as a starting point and photography as a witness to the execution of installations for later viewing or exhibition. The small pieces (25 cm. Approx) are made in cement, of which copies are reproduced using silicone molds. These are small figures representing a kind of metamorphosis in which the man leaves his roles as citizens camouflaging themselves with the city and slowly becomes part of furniture. In this way confirms the voluntary isolation of human being with regard to nature, hidden among the sidewalks, streets, walls, etc., becoming the urban environment in their natural habitat.
This project started in 2006 as a nomad project and continuous its process with embodiment in which the installation is mixed with urban street art. Cement eclipses was discovered in urban areas of several European cities including Berlin, London, Brussels, Liege, Barcelona, Vigo, etc.. Many of the photographs in this dossier have been taken in London between September 2008 and January 2010, where I currently reside“.