
Ein japanischer Züchter hat also Bonsai Marihuana entwickelt, der nur 40cm hoch wächst. Anstatt der sonst recht hoch wachsenden Pflanzen. Optimal für den Schreibtisch des naturbewussten Geschäftsführers, der in einer ruhigen Minuten mal bedächtig dran rumschnibbelt.

Police found 21 potted plants in the man’s house. Marijuana plants can easily grow to be over 3 ft high but these plants were around 15 inches. When questioned by police, they learned that the man had used bonsai techniques to trim, prune and manicure the plants so that he could maximize his small apartment space.

In a statement the man said – and I quote – “this is the first time I’ve produced such a great crop.” Yes, he is the Mr. Miyagi of cannabis.

Via Nerdcore