
Ob es nun am vermeintlichen Vinyl-Hype liegt, Technics einfach nur das runde Jubiläum feiern möchte oder der MK II tatsächlich, auch nach der SL-1200GAE Edition, wieder hergestellt wird, ist derzeit nicht bekannt. Trotzdem ist diese Neuigkeit eine gute.

Geändert wurde am Klassiker nicht viel. Als erstes fällt die Möglichkeit der Pitch-Verdopplung auf und es wurde optisch ein wenig nachgelegt. Der SL-1200GAE soll Sommer diesen Jahres zu haben sein, ich bin sehr gespannt, was er kosten wird.

Alle Details gibt es drüben bei Technics.

Update: Es wird auch nach der limitierten Version (auf 1200 Stück natürlich) eine reguläre Variante geben. Beide Versionen werden auf Preise von mehreren tausend Euro prognostiziert.

Due to the widespread use of CDs, turntable systems disappeared briefly from the market, but their warm sound quality is bringing them back. The direct-drive turntable invented by Technics is still highly acclaimed by audiophiles and DJs in the form of the SL-1200 Series, and there have been many requests to revive the turntable system. As such, we decided to develop a new system for Hi-Fi use. Here we provide an outline of our intent in this development.


Direct-drive is generally considered to be for DJ use, and belt drive is for Hi-Fi use. In the 1970s, when Technics invented direct-drive turntables, their performance and reliability were first recognised by broadcast stations. High acclaim was then received by audiophiles. The high-precision rotation and absence of S/N ratio degradation were particularly attractive to these users. The high torque and reliability of direct-drive were recognised by DJs, and direct-drive turntables became the standard in the club scene.

When developing a direct-drive motor, considerable capital investment is required for large-scale production equipment. In contrast, belt drives can be made with a little cost. Also, compared with direct-drive, belt drive was designed with the latest technology. The view remains that direct-drive is for DJ use and belt drive is for Hi-Fi use. Originally, direct-drive offered superior sound quality. If we redesign the direct-drive motor and control circuitry, we will be able to create a turntable that is superior to other systems.

Technics was also a leader in incorporating innovations, such as vibration-damping materials, cabinet construction, and insulators. Having inherited the DNA of Technics, we do not wish to merely make a replica of the SL-1200.

In other words, our intent in this development is to redefine the direct-drive turntable reference.

Danke Peschel, danke Andi